Beyond understanding your business model, FINALTA CAPITAL is one of the only financial institutions with solid expertise in tax credits and government grants for innovative sectors.

This means your technology activities, past and future, are appreciated at their just value. As a result, you’re spared the laborious passage through government loan guarantees and complex loan applications documents.

Our enviable expertise in tax credits and grants allows us to better understand the eligibility of your technology activities — and thus be able to lend more money on better terms than other financial or government institutions. Your loan amount can also be swiftly increased if you decide to accelerate your project during the year.

With FINALTA CAPITAL, you won’t need to do contortions to fit your figures into our boxes... because our boxes adapt to your business model.

FINALTA CAPITAL is one of the only financial institutions with the expertise to appreciate your past and future technology activities for their true worth and is thus able to lend more money on the basis of the same tax credits and on better terms than other financial or government institutions.

Sectoral funds set up by FINALTA CAPITAL

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See the comparison basis (data and hypotheses) with other financial institutions

Data and hypotheses